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martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Cream of Carrot

Rich in carotene (source of vitamin A) and high in fiber and sugar. It has beta carotene.
- Cook carrots with potatoes in 8 cups of water Let them cool slightly
- Then you lícuelas in the same liquid
- Take the heat and add the sauce, stirring always
- Season with salt and before removing from the heat, add the cream
4 potatoes without shells * 3 carrots * 1 onion * 2 cloves garlic * 2 tomatoes * 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 tablespoons heavy cream * 8 cups water * salt and oregano to taste

- Brown the garlic and chopped onion in a small amount of oil
- Add the grated tomatoes, parsley and oregano.

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