1 duck 1kg 500, 500 gr. new turnips, 40 gr. butter, 1 tbsp powdered sugar,
1 glass of white wine, 150 gr. onions, 35 cl of chicken stock 1 bouquet of herbs, 1 tbsp honey, salt and pepper to taste.
Cut the turnips in four previously washed and peeled.
cut into pieces and brown the duck with the butter in a pot
Season to taste.
Add to the pot the onions, turnips and sugar. mix a few minutes everything.
Add broth, wine, herbs and honey. simmer, covered for 30 minutes, uncover and stand for 30 minutes.
Serve the portion of duck served with turnips and onions and put the sauce over the same cooking.
MasterChef Junior: Recipes for cooking with kids
MasterChef Junior: Recipes for cooking with kids
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