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miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Wound Papas

Vitamin A, B and C. Rica salt

* 1 kg of potatoes cooked mashed * 4 tablespoons grated cheese 3 tablespoons milk powder * 1 onion * 3 tomatoes without skin 1 can of peas * 3 boiled eggs cut lengthwise * 6 black olives, sliced * 1 carrot, cut into sticks cooked 3 tablespoons butter * salt and seasoning to taste

anunciar coche


* Mix the puree with milk powder, butter and grated cheese

* Spread it on a plastic or damp dishtowel

* Saute onion and tomato puree and spread on

* Add the drained peas, olives, carrots and boiled eggs

* Then roll with the help of plastic or dish towel (adjusting well roll)

* Place in a fountain, adorned with leaves and sliced tomatoes lechiga

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