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martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Ricotta and Roasted Peanuts


30% protein, 40% fat, 15% carbohydrates, vitamins A, B1, B2, riboflavin and phosphorus, calcium, iron


Saute the onion and carrot in oil until tender
Remove from heat
In another bowl, whisk the ricotta with bread flour, peanuts and salt
Adicióneles braised onions and carrots and seasonings
Place in a greased form and lead to fire. Roast for 30 minutes, until golden


    2 cups ricotta * ½ cup toasted and ground peanuts 2 cups bread flour 2 tablespoons oil * 1 onion * 1 carrot, grated or finely chopped * salt and oregano to taste

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