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jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Soup quinoa flakes




½ cup quinoa flakes 2 tablespoons oil * 1 medium onion head * 5 * 3 medium potatoes, carrots and 1 tomato * salt, parsley and seasoning to taste


Steps in the preparation
- Boil the carrots in water, adding salt to taste.
- Fry the onion in oil with tomatoes,
- Then add the carrot that is boiling.
- Cut the potatoes in half and add them to the pot where the carrot.
- When the ingredients are already cooked, add the quinoa flakes and cook for 8 minutes.
- Serve with parsley.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Roasted soy Celery

Soy / soy: Contains, carotene, provitamin D, vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B6, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid

Celery contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and C.


* Cook and drain soybeans
* Then, add the cut celery, chopped onion, crushed garlic, tomato sauce, oil, salt and water
* Mix these ingredients
* Put everything in a pan
* Cover with white sauce
* Bring the fire and roast until gratin


3 cups soy beans, ½ cup tomato room 1 cup celery 1 cup water 1 onion 2 tablespoons oil * 2 cloves garlic * cumin, parsley and oregano * Salt to taste * white sauce

Cookware to have

 Micro hondas

Roasted soybeans

It contains carotene, provitamin D, vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B6, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid


* prepare a puree with boiled soya beans, carrot, celery and garlic crushed
* Place the dough in a greased pan
* Cover with sliced tomatoes and breadcrumbs
* Take a hot oven and roast for 30 minutes


2 cups soy beans 1 cup cooked carrots 1 cup of cooked celery and chopped 1 tablespoon vegetable extracts sauce * 2 cloves garlic * * seasonings tomatoes salt to taste *

As a natural bowl, it can be ingested without contraindications. Serve with raw salads

Kitchen items to be

 Batidoras de mano, amasadora, de vaso

Roast Princess

Protein content:

Vitamin B1, B2 and C, 15% protein, 20% carbohydrate and 57% fat.

Recipe recommended for diabetics and nursing mothers.


* Saute onion and garlic in oil
* Separately, mix the rice, nuts, cream, polenta, condiments and salt
* Mix well and place in a greased source
* Enter in oven on low heat for 45 minutes

  • 2 cups cooked brown rice * ½ cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons polenta (cornmeal) * ½ cup chopped walnuts * 1 onion, finely chopped * 2 cloves garlic * 1 teaspoon oregano 1 tablespoon oil * salt and cumin to taste


I serve with cold sauce, served with vegetables.

Items to kitchen
 Freidoras de diferentes diseños

Roast potatoes or potatoes

Protein content
Fat-soluble vitamins (A and D), iron, vitamin C and B


* Peel the potatoes and grate them on the coarse side of the grater
* Place in a bowl and add the beaten eggs, onions braised in oil, chopped parsley and cheese
* Mix all ingredients and salt
* Sprinkle a baking sheet with breadcrumbs
* Spread the dough in it
* Bake and broil until golden


  • 10 large potatoes * 3 eggs * 1 * grated onion 3 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons chopped parsley * 100 g. cheese chopped 1 tablespoon oil * salt to taste


Accompany this dish with green beans salad with mayonnaise and yogurt

Roast Spinach


Rich in iron, lime, chlorophyll and vitamins


* After washing the spinach, cut finely
* Top with remaining ingredients
* Mix
* Add the egg whites again
Prepare a greased and floured form
* Place the dough in
* Bake until golden


* 1 deck of spinach * ½ cup milk 1 cup oats * 3 eggs 3 tablespoons corn oil 3 tablespoons flour * 1 clove garlic, crushed * 1 onion 2 tablespoons parsley * 2 tomatoes without skin * salt to taste

Serve with raw salads, gnocchi and yogurt

 Libros recomendados

Roasted Eggplant


Contains carbohydrates, salts of calcium, phosphorus and iron,
 vitamin A, B complex and vitamin C.


* Cut the eggplant into cubes, in shell
* Cook them in a little
water and let them dry
* Cut the onion and garlic
* Beat eggs
* Add the other ingredients,
 together with the chopped parsley and  eggplant
* Mix well
* Place the bread cubes
 on baking sheet greased
* Spill above the mass of eggplant
* Bake grill


* 3 cups 2 cups eggplant dawned bread * ½ cup tomato sauce 1 cup milk * 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter * 1 onion * 2 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon sauce soy

Serve with raw salads and vegetable soup

 Libros populares de cocina

Sweet rice

Brown rice
It Contains Vitamin
A, B1, B2, B6, PP, H


* Cook rice in water with a pinch of salt
* Add the cloves, coconut milk and sugar
* Allow to cook a little longer, without stirring
* Remove from heat, add butter, stirring well.
* Powder Cinnamon powder


* 1 cup rice * 5 cups water 1 tablespoon butter * 2/1 cup milk 2 * 3 cloves 1 cup coconut milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon brown sugar to taste *


This formula can be used for light meals or desserts

 Libros recomendados

Brown Rice - Second Formula

Brown rice
It Contains Vitamin
A, B1, B2, B6, PP, H


* Saute the onion, garlic and carrot in oil
* Then add the rice, stirring a little
* Then place 2 ½ cups of hot water, and then the rice is soaked
* Cook on low heat for 45 to 50 minutes
- If using pressure cooker, place 1 ½ cup of hot water and cook for 20 minutes
* Place on a platter, garnish to taste and serve


* 1 clove garlic * 1 carrot, grated * 1 onion * 1 cup brown rice washed and soaked for sticks hours * Oil and salt to taste

It can be accompanied with fennel salad with onions and pumpkin cream

 Libros populares de cocina

Brown Rice - First Formula


* Wash the rice
* Tuéstelo over low heat until very hot
* Then add the hot water, as well it cooks faster and is more enjoyable
* Use for each cup of rice 3 cups water
* Once the rice is cooking, we should not put salt or oil
* Add salt and oil when it is already cooked
* Let cook a few more minutes until soft


* Brown rice * * oil * salt water

Remember that rice is a starchy food, minerals, vitamins B1 and B2, albumin and some fat. To take advantage of its nutrients should be used comprehensively. White, polished rice, should be excluded from the diet.

Artículos de cocina para tener

 Batidoras de mano, amasadora, de vaso

Tasty rice

As a very nutritious dish, recommended in deficiency states and constipation


* Saute the onion, grated carrot and garlic in 3 tablespoons oil
* To this add the rice, boiling water and salt
* Untapped Cook over low heat for 45 minutes
if you use a pressure cooker, used 1 ½ cup boiling water and cook for 15 to 20 minutes
* Remove from heat, place on a platter, garnish according to your preference and serve hot


* 1 cup brown rice washed and soaked * 2 ½ cup water 1 onion, chopped * 1 large carrot, chopped or grated * 1 clove garlic * salt to taste

Artículos de cocina para tener
 Freidoras varios diseños

Alcacuciles Fillings

Artichoke Artichoke or

It is rich in phosphorus, iron and lime.


* 4 medium artichokes 3 tablespoons chopped parsley * 3/4 cup grated cheese * 1/2 cup grated onion * 4 tablespoons corn oil * 1 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs * 2 cloves garlic * salt to taste

anunciar coche


* Cut reef points and the tips of the leaves of the artichokes
* Open them with fingers
* Wash them well and let them drain
* Mix the ingredients, except the oil and fill the artichokes with the mass, placing it between the sheets
* Arrange them in a deep pot, add water to cover halfway. 1 tablespoon oil spill on each artichoke
* When lifting a boil, cover and simmer for an hour or until the leaves fall off easily


Rolled Ricotta


Little fat content, Vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid; calcium.


* 2 cups ricotta cheese 1/2 cup oil * 2 1/2 cups flour * 1/2 cup water * 10 engras olives * 1 ripe tomato without skin * 1 medium onion, chopped * 3 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons * chopped parsley oregano salt to taste * 1 bunch of boiled spinach and chopped

anunciar coche


Serve with fruit juice or yogurt



* Fry onion, garlic and tomato

* Mix the ricotta, spinach and chopped olives

* Next, make a dough with flour, oil and water. Add salt to taste and knead well

* Next, stretch the dough until thin

* Add the stuffing, parsley and oregano spray and wind. Place on baking sheet and place in the oven until golden brown

Cornstarch Alfajores


* 2 cups cornstarch 1/2 cup sugar * * 125g butter 1/2 teaspoon baking powder * 5 drops of vanilla extract 4 eggs * * Optional sweet coconut milk

anunciar coche


Brush the edges of gingerbread with caramel diluted and pass by the coconut


* Knead the butter and sugar

* Then add the eggs, cornstarch (cornstarch) and baking powder

* Knead well and finally add the remaining ingredients

* Open the mass and with the help of a circular instrument, remove the alfajores and place in an oiled baking pan and take to oven until brown (October 8 minutes)

* One the caps with caramel

Quick alfajores


* 8 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch) 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons margarine * 1 egg * 50 g. shredded coconut or chopped nuts * Dulce de leche and other sweets, the amount needed

anunciar coche


You may be presented with sweet yogurt or fruit juice, such as desktop or light meals


* Mix cornstarch (corn starch), sugar, margarine and egg
* Form a dough that can be handled with the opener
* After opening the dough, cut small discors, arrange them in a pan and bring enmanetecada baked until golden
* After cold one alfajores with dulce de leche or the sweet of choice
* Store in airtight containers

Arrollado Delicious

Little fat content, Vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid; calcium.


* 3/4 cup corn oil or sunflower oil * 3/4 cup water * 3 cups flour 1 tablespoon baking powder * salt to taste

* 2 cups ricotta * 1 egg 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon mixed with a little sugar * 1 lemon zest
Execution: Mix all the ingredients of the filling

anunciar coche


* Mix all ingredients and knead slightly

* Then open the mass

* Spread the filling, wrap and place in greased pan

* Bake in moderate oven until golden brown

 Libros de cocinas mas populares

Wound Papas

Vitamin A, B and C. Rica salt

* 1 kg of potatoes cooked mashed * 4 tablespoons grated cheese 3 tablespoons milk powder * 1 onion * 3 tomatoes without skin 1 can of peas * 3 boiled eggs cut lengthwise * 6 black olives, sliced * 1 carrot, cut into sticks cooked 3 tablespoons butter * salt and seasoning to taste

anunciar coche


* Mix the puree with milk powder, butter and grated cheese

* Spread it on a plastic or damp dishtowel

* Saute onion and tomato puree and spread on

* Add the drained peas, olives, carrots and boiled eggs

* Then roll with the help of plastic or dish towel (adjusting well roll)

* Place in a fountain, adorned with leaves and sliced tomatoes lechiga

 Libros recomendados

Enriched rice


Brown rice

It Contains Vitamin
A, B1, B2, B6, PP, H


Mix all ingredients,
placing them in a form
* Pour the boiling water,

add oil and place in the oven
* After roasting,
Sprinkle the grated cheese and
take again baked
until it melts

* Serve hot

2 cups uncooked white rice
4 cups boiling water
1/4 cup corn oil
1 can peas, drained

1 carrot, chopped finely diced
1 cup chopped palm
2 ripe tomatoes, peeled, chopped

 Libros populares de cocina

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Artichokes Baked II

Artichoke Artichoke or

It is rich in phosphorus, iron and lime.


* 1 kg of tender artichokes 2 tablespoons chopped parsley * 5 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon grated cheese for each artichoke * 250 g ripe tomatoes, chopped * salt and oregano to taste

anunciar coche

Select another idoma for this recipe



* Prepare a sauce with chopped tomatoes, parsley, oregano, garlic and salt, leaving them cook for 2 minutes.
* Next, wash the artichokes, cut in halves, removing the inedible part
* Place in a roasting pan, lying, bathing them with grated cheese
take them to the oven and grill until tender. Serve hot