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miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Tasty rice

As a very nutritious dish, recommended in deficiency states and constipation


* Saute the onion, grated carrot and garlic in 3 tablespoons oil
* To this add the rice, boiling water and salt
* Untapped Cook over low heat for 45 minutes
if you use a pressure cooker, used 1 ½ cup boiling water and cook for 15 to 20 minutes
* Remove from heat, place on a platter, garnish according to your preference and serve hot


* 1 cup brown rice washed and soaked * 2 ½ cup water 1 onion, chopped * 1 large carrot, chopped or grated * 1 clove garlic * salt to taste

Artículos de cocina para tener
 Freidoras varios diseños

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