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miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Rolled Ricotta


Little fat content, Vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid; calcium.


* 2 cups ricotta cheese 1/2 cup oil * 2 1/2 cups flour * 1/2 cup water * 10 engras olives * 1 ripe tomato without skin * 1 medium onion, chopped * 3 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons * chopped parsley oregano salt to taste * 1 bunch of boiled spinach and chopped

anunciar coche


Serve with fruit juice or yogurt



* Fry onion, garlic and tomato

* Mix the ricotta, spinach and chopped olives

* Next, make a dough with flour, oil and water. Add salt to taste and knead well

* Next, stretch the dough until thin

* Add the stuffing, parsley and oregano spray and wind. Place on baking sheet and place in the oven until golden brown

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